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Event On: 18-Aug-2022

Nagpur Archdiocese First Synodal Assembly Concludes

Nagpur Archdiocesan Synod, a historic event in the archdiocese was inaugurated on the 15th August with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at St. Francis De Sales Cathedral, Sadar, Nagpur. The synod, a first of its kind in the history of the archdiocese which continued on the next day also was marked by two days of spiritual discernment and intense focused discussion with enthusiastic and lively participation of over 300 delegates. The synod which indeed represented the Church of Nagpur comprised of priests, religious and laity: men women and youth from 37 parishes. The two-day programme began on August 15 with the opening address by Dr. Elias Gonsalves, the Archbishop of Nagpur. He prompted all the participants to journey together listening to the Spirit and to each another. This was followed by a presentation on Eucharist and Synodality by Rev Sr. Anula, OP. Rev. Fr. Jose Xavier, SJ, facilitated the discussions, churning out the wholesome best from fertile minds across eight Thrust areas of the diocese. These were presented for discussion through commission heads and included; Faith, Education, Women, Youth, Health, Media & Communication, Social Activities and Environment. He assured them to have faith in the process which would surely see a fruitful outcome, though it may seem a bit mystifying at times as they journeyed along. The participants through presentations studied the Draft Document of the Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese of Nagpur on the first day which presented the goals, objectives and strategies of each Thrust area. It was followed by spiritual conversations and a discernment process in plenum on the second day. The churning and sifting gave new insights to the group and helped in revisiting the goals and objectives for each Thrust area. Fr. Joe Xavier in a gentle way animated the group to come to a proper consensus by gathering all the inputs the enthusiastic participants had offered. The various commissions had to work hard to come out with the best version of their goals, objectives and strategies incorporating as far as possible all the modifications, suggestions and ideas that came up during the discussions with the promptings of the Spirit. On this important occasion the delegates and especially provincials and other heads of various religious congregations shared their views and aspirations. The evaluation highlighted a lot of positivity and hope with many areas for improvement. Archbishop Elias Gonsalves exhorted everyone to continue to walk the Synodal path as the first part of the synod came to a close with his apostolic blessings. The second and final part of the synod will take place in October 2022, hopefully resulting in a pastoral plan for the archdiocese of Nagpur.
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